Kleur de toekomst in Malang
Adhi Irawan Saputra
Middelbare scholier
From : adhi for : mom iik Hello Mom iik,How are you? My Name is : Adhi Irawan Saputra This Now I age : 14 th I live in : Jalan Lokon No.33 I school in : Malang Adventist Academy My Favorite food is : nudle and meatballs My Favorite drink is : es kepal milo and then, I will recount about my experience. My experience tauched and happy The first,when I celebrate my happy birthday, I cry! Because the first I celebrate happy birthday.and then,when I cry! I feel very bashful because my friend’s smiles for me. My friend’s is smile because I ready grow up but I always cry. Thank you! this is my experience,see you again mom iik....muaaaaaaa!. CCCJ
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